You are here: 7. Mobile Applications > 7.6. Paperless Transfers > 7.6.2. Mobile Transfers - PDA Procedures > Mobile Transfers - Download

Mobile Transfers - Download

  1. Once you are logged onto your PDA, press the Transfers button.
  2. In the Source W/H field, select the source warehouse you want to download a transfer from.

The warehouses in the list are obtained from the warehouse sync option (refer to "Paperless Sync"). The default warehouse is the warehouse set for the user in the Micronet user configuration.


Technical Tip

2.8 Feature

You can set whether transit warehouses are included in downloads in the Download Intransit Transfers field on the Micronet Mobile Picking screen / Edit Warehouse Mobile Settings screen (v2.8) in your company settings (refer to "Transfers Settings").

  1. Press the Download Transfer button.

A status bar displays at the bottom of the screen indicating the progress of the download. Once the download is complete, the transfer docket information is displayed on the screen.


If no transfer exists on the server for the selected warehouse, Micronet displays the following message.